【Warm New Year Spring Show】 Tea Bag Gift Box



Spero Tea launches 2O23 limited packaging gift box [Warm New Year Spring] tea bag gift box

Share important moments with someone special and be filled with blessings
It is more worthy of special gift recipients

Want to send your blessings to more customers, relatives and friends?
Spero Tea provides the service of sending different addresses to make your blessings not late

Warm Chinese New Year | tea bag gift box Contents introduction
▪ Nantou Shanlinxi Light roasted oolong 7 into a lightweight bag
▪ Nantou Shanlinxi Frozen top oolong 7 into a lightweight bag
▪ 10 flavors of tea 1 bag each
▪ Warm Chinese New Year Exquisite Storage Box – Pink Cherry Blossoms